a few questions with mum
Time to read 2 min
Time to read 2 min
I wanted to delve into the generational differences that are present in period awareness and knowledge.
I decided to ask my mum, now 60 (and fabulous) a few questions on how and when she first became aware of periods. My mum has experienced regular periods her whole life. She has also experienced pre-menopausal symptoms.
I was 13.
Ohh now you're asking! I was at school at the time. I might have mentioned it to a friend, but then to my mum when I got home.
Yeah it wasn’t much to speak of, it wasn’t as issue, I just knew that’s what it was (the period).
My mum didn’t say a great deal, probably would have been some pads in the house, so she would have given them to me.
Just little bits, from talking with other girls at school. We did have biology (at school) I think it might have been covered a little.
They didn’t really.
Pads, they were so different then. Certainly not a wing in sight! No very sticky. They had this tiny little thin strip running down the middle, that just didn’t stick and it would move. I was very keen to just go straight to tampons after. Even that was just trial and error, trying to work it out for myself.
My second period.
From the info in the box. Its great that you see on T.V now with all these adverts, showing you how to do it, and if you can feel it then its not high enough etc, that’s great. When I first used them I don’t remember there being an applicator either, which made it a bit harder, when you’re very young. It was a bit of a struggle.
It might have helped yes, as I started it very young.
There was quite a while when my boobs would hurt. Not necessarily every month though. No cramps, never heavy. Always very regular.
They’re still regular, even after pregnancies, even after coming off birth control. I still get periods now also because of the HRT balancing the hormones. They are pretty non-existent though, only lasting about two days.
I didn’t discuss it properly really. I was probably a little uncomfortable. Which is crazy to say. I did buy a couple of books, I know it’s not the same, but it was just something to have, something to look at.
If you haven’t already, I 100% recommend having a little chat with your mum about these questions if you’re comfortable to do so!
It’s a very unique bonding experience.